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    Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: A Fascinating Transition for Comedy Amidst Internet Culture

    A look into the Netflix original "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" to analyze how the show acknowledges and satirizes media culture and the effect that it has for the audience when the main character is by all accounts, technologically inept (especially in relation to going viral, social media, etc). Can also discuss transition from first to second season and shifts in storytelling.

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      This is a great attempt toward definition, and certainly a valiant effort. It’s difficult to know, though, how these definitions can really be applied to everyday objects that you might find in a postmodern exhibition. That’s where it gets a bit dicey. Is it art when it is placed in a gallery to be appreciated, or does it only become art when someone decides to take it out of the dumpster and put it on display? If reaction to art is subliminal, then attempts to define it so rigidly seem futile.

      That's Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man: An Argument that Art is Objective

      Really well done article and look into Hitch. The focus really is on the protagonist almost exclusively. Always a bit funny when you notice how figures of authority in his films often are not looked at in the eye (the first example I can muster is the police officer in Psycho). He really was a bit paranoid, which makes the “wrong man” archetype so much more fascinating.

      Male Protagonists in Hitchcock Films

      The thing about Friends is that it set the stage for so many of these modern sitcoms that are popular now. You mentioned Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother, which seems to pay an homage to this style of comedy, but Friends still remains more down to earth and just, real. It is almost Seinfeldian in the way it captured the sitcom plot, but I think it did so much more than that. Of course, Friends fell victim to the comedic tropes that still plague sitcoms today that can make them almost cringe-worthy at times, but as someone who comes from the “nostalgia generation” I’ll never be able to move a couch without hearing Ross’ voice yelling, “PIVOT,” in my head. Could this show BE any more timeless?

      The Effect of "Friends"