

Writer for the people who never want to grow up and connoisseur of chocolate. Other addictions include literature, animation, film/tv, Deaf culture, and the great outdoors.

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    Ahh! I haven’t listened to Night Vale yet, but I’ve heard all about it from Maureen Johnson’s twitter feed. She’s a brilliant YA author who apparently has a character based upon her on the show? I think?? Anyways, I have really been meaning to check this out, and your article only makes me more interested!! I love the idea of the narrator not necessarily being the hero. Really, I love anything that challenges the literary norm!

    Welcome to Night Vale: When the Protagonist Isn't the Hero

    Excellent list and great topic!! Also, I REALLY liked your line about how Angelus was a “loss of innocence” for all of the Sunnydale characters. I think that just highlights how much of a GENIUS Joss Whedon is at manipulating themes and motifs.

    Joss Whedon’s Best Heel Turns

    Great list! I feel like there’s hardly any recognition of “classic werewolf lore,” but you mention some great titles here!! Some of them I have read, others I have not, but will read next! I also like the idea of supernatural creatures being reflections of everyday human experience. It’s not a new idea, but I don’t think many people appreciate a story as more than a story in that sense.

    Werewolves in Literature: 5 Titles that Embrace the Transformation

    Interesting article! I particularly enjoyed reading about Aquaman’s back story. I’m not so much a comic book devotee, but rather a “superhero shows/movies devotee” (particularly Smallville and Arrow), so I’m always interested in reading about the material these shows draw upon! And I agree that some superheroes are very underrated, Aquaman being one of them. I’d love to see a movie/show based upon him. I think it could be really great!! Also, you’re quite right that people enjoy shows that are “closer to home.” The Day After Tomorrow comes to my mind on that aspect–it was kind of terrifying how “realistic” that story seemed!

    Aquaman: The Underrated Hero

    Good list and excellent writing! I haven’t seen all of these movies, but I can’t think of any others to add! I like the idea that Kevin mentioned two comments earlier, about doing a sidepiece about “the greatest men that were monsters on screen.” That could be really cool too. And of course, TV has had a lot of great monsters (Steven Moffat has created a whole slew of sinister creatures). Anywho, I agree that the whole guns blazing, car chasing fad is getting a little old. It certainly speaks to talented actors/stunt doubles and filmography, but there’s such *rich* creativity in a good movie monster. I miss that… and I’m not even a huge horror person!

    Cinema's Greatest Movie Monsters: Slimy and (Occasionally) Sympathetic

    Good article! I like how you focus on Sinbad beating Eris at her own game. A more traditional story might have let Sinbad succeed in getting the Book of Peace the first time. However, to see the hero rise again after initially being beaten shows a deeper kind of character development. Your article brings out this deeper truth behind the story.

    I actually didn’t realize Sinbad was in One Thousand and One Nights. I’ve been meaning to read that book for ages, and now I have even more reason to do so! 🙂

    Sinbad's Choice: Legendary Thief or Hero of the Seven Seas?

    Very well-written analysis! I feel like understanding these recurring themes that connect Rowling’s books is a step closer to understanding (and appreciating) the author better overall. Also, I haven’t read JK Rowling’s other two works, but I was able to follow along very well.

    Joanne Rowling's Works and How They're Connected

    Excellent analysis. I have not read Kafka, but I was able to follow along quite well, and now I want to check out his work! I have read Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse,” and it is probably my favorite modernist work. I love that you explore Woolf’s talent for developing character through private thoughts. I think this is an excellent modern technique that should be used more often these days. It’s a great way for a reader to really connect with an author and his/her characters. In the words of David Foster Wallace, “We’re existentially alone on the planet. I can’t know what you’re thinking and feeling and you can’t know what I’m thinking and feeling. And the very best works construct a bridge across that abyss of human loneliness.” So kudos to Woolf for building a hell of a bridge.

    Also, I like your comparison of the authors’ different motivations for writing. It reminded me of a mantra: “Write a little every day, without hope and without despair.”

    Woolf versus Kafka: A Look at the Different Methods of Literary Modernism