
finding emotion in poetry

finding emotion in poetry an be a little hard because some emotions can get mixed up with others so its hard to tell what the poetry is expressing it would help most people if we used more description in our poetry so people really understand what they are reading and feeling what they are reading something that could also help me is using more meaningful words that will give us a more in depth look at the story of the poem

  • I think this topic has a lot of potential, however, as mentioned in previous comments there is a lack of focus. Perhaps you can suggest a specific emotion? Or maybe some poems you had in mind that you think would benefit the topic you are suggesting. This needs to have a slightly more narrow focus. – RheaRG 4 years ago
  • To add a thought, the prompt implies that emotion is the synonymous undercurrent in poetry, which is not necessarily the case. In the 18th Century in Europe, for example, emotion in all the literary arts, but notably in poetry, was downplayed in favor of logic. Just something to consider: poetry does not necessarily have to bprovide an emotive catharsis. – J.D. Jankowski 4 years ago
  • I think the emotion in poetry is added by the person reading it and therefore not ll people 'feel' the same way when they read a poem. I agree with the others that a more specific emotion or work would be more beneficial as a topic. – ruhaii 3 years ago

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