
How Much Should Movie Trailers Show?

Movie trailers are often criticized by audiences for giving away too much of the movie, potentially revealing major events or spoilers before the film's release, and nowhere is this more exemplary than the backlash received by Terminator Genisys's second trailer. However, around that same time, a teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiered and received wide critical acclaim for building on excitement without revealing too much. These two trailers beg an important question: how much should Hollywood trailers show to audiences?

  • Excellent topic! I always feel that trailers should at least tell us what the movie is about. But I don't feel like the Force Awakens really told me anything. Whereas I felt I knew what Terminator Genisys is about. I think it would be a good idea to approach this from the perspective of someone who doesn't go to the movies very often. Like what would get them to see this movie from said trailer. – Cagney 9 years ago
  • It would also be interesting to see how this concept varies across genre. Action versus thriller versus drama, etc. So, I'd encourage anyone who takes up this topic to at least explore trailers from different genres to see if there is a difference in what is being shown. – BethanyS 9 years ago
  • Great topic! It really bugs me when trailers get sloppy and just blend a whole bunch of scenes that give it all away... I think trailers should be put together with artistry - to tantalise the viewer! – Jessica Marie Farrugia 9 years ago
  • Actually I like it when a trailer reveals information, so long as it doesn't spoil the film. Often times I find trailers to be extremely misleading and even a turn-off at times. – Starvix Draxon 9 years ago

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