
Post-Modernism's Representation in Media

Post-Modern ideas have been spreading since the 1960s when the birth control pill came out and liberated women. Since then, we’ve seen a rise in claims of a Patriarchal society as well as the increasingly casual nature of sex. This article could investigate media representations that seem to purposefully place women in a position of power over men (ie short dialogue lines, Dinsey Channel characters, commercials). Comment on the nature of Post-Modernism. While Post-Modernism has helped advance females in society and has created new questions about meaning in the wake of "the death of God", as Friedrich Nietzche put it, has Post-Modernism lead us to an age of hypocrisy? Anti-Social social media, diversity that is divisive, and affirmative action that results in lack of merit. Investigate current thinkers on the matter.

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