In the “Becoming” episodes of Buffy, we see how Liam, a drunken womanizer becomes notorious vampire Angelus and eventually a...
Max Lin May 14, 2014
The darkest timeline unfortunately came into fruition. As reported by multiple outlets on Friday, May 9, 2014, NBC cancelled Community....
Giovanni Insignares May 13, 2014
Doctor Who is a science-fiction television show about the Doctor, a Time Lord, who travels in time (naturally enough) and saves...
Burke May 6, 2014
Period dramas are known to teach and entertain the public on what it was like to live in a past...
Diana Chin May 4, 2014
Breaking Bad is the worst TV show ever made. Not really, but hey, I got your attention. Much has been...
J.P. Shiel May 1, 2014
It’s a question that’s been asked countless times about US sitcoms: how do the people they portray afford to live...
Spencer May 1, 2014
BBC's Sherlock plays with the character of Irene Adler in a way that updates her to the 21st century. Screenwriter, Steven Moffat,...
Erin Derwin Apr 22, 2014
2 Broke Girls basically defines polarisation. For every person who loves it’s refreshing humour and post-feminist overtones, there are ten...
KTalbot Apr 21, 2014
Think about the television shows that are still on air that you watch. What keeps you watching? The acting? Your attachment to...
Matthew Sims Apr 12, 2014
Let's take a moment to talk about God. Don't worry – no pamphlets or early morning doorstep visits. Let's discuss...
Max Lin Apr 8, 2014
While materialism is an idea that has been part of our society since we adopted capitalism as our system of...
Elaina Chastain Apr 6, 2014
While Asian-Americans have been a part of television for several decades, their roles have greatly been limited and restricted to stereotypes and...
Kristin Ronzi Apr 4, 2014