
The Rise of Netflix in College Students

I know from experience that Netflix is very popular among college students as a form of amusement and stress-relieving. I think this might be an interesting topic to talk about how it might be affecting their education and/or social experiences at college. Is this a problem? or does it have the capability to eventually become a problem?

  • Can Netflix lead to procrastination when in college? Sure, but so will a million other things like playing video games, hanging with friends, and watch sports. Netflix is hardly a bad thing because college students need a break from all the studying and writing they have to do. But like anything that is fun, it can soon become addicting. – Aaron Hatch 9 years ago
  • Perhaps Netflix isn't necessarily bad for success in college, but maybe there's a factor that separates these two: health. Too much of a good thing sometimes is bad for our bodies. Does Netflix binging have any effect or relationship to physical, mental, social, etc. health? And how does THAT affect one's college experience? It's really interesting how popular of an outlet this is for students to spend free time nowadays. – James Smith 9 years ago
  • Procrastination occurs in all college students. I'm supposed to be writing an English paper right now. – AlyssaMariano 9 years ago
  • I find that having Netflix on while I do my work actually reduces the likelihood of me procrastinating because I won't feel like all I'm doing is work. It tricks the mind. However, there is an additional likelihood that it detracts from the typical idea of social experiences. More often than not people are talking about Netflix and chill rather than hooking up at a party, and if you are bored with friends you can turn on a show or movie and distract yourself. – Catherine Conte 9 years ago
  • I think Netflix becomes a problem when you let it become one. If one knows how to successfully manage their time between studying and Netflix, there really shouldn't be a problem. I think it really just depends on the kind of student you are. – iamclystanieves 9 years ago
  • I'll admit that I have the urge to visit Netflix every now and then, especially when I should be reading for classes. However, since I'm an English major aspiring to become a film critic, I often find that some Netflix viewing enriches my life as a student. I'm pretty selective about what I watch, and the films/TV shows I watch offer new perspectives on certain topics I study in my English classes. Everyone always says that a little bit of reading goes a long way, but I think a lot of people underestimate how film can be just as beneficial as reading, if not more so. – Ben Bouffard 8 years ago

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