
What can the future of education look like post-pandemic?

With the already-difficult decisions financially and economically to fund an education system in Canada, what can a pandemic’s effects mean after COVID-19 is gone – or better yet, can it be eliminated in time before serious problems arise?

  • I am in education and I think your topic has potential. Perhaps we can look at how education can be enhanced through online learning materials. I have regularly used articled on The Artifice when I taught at a college. The students were really into anime and it was a great fit. So could you link the topic to say writing a response to an article or whatever you can think of to make the connection to this platform stronger? That would help. – Munjeera 3 years ago
  • The bibliography on this topic is massive (like, ridiculously massive) and it only came on the last year and a half. It doesn't have to do with any art form, though, so you know. However, there is massive (also ridiculous) bibliography on COVID and art forms, but that is not what you are proposing, I am afraid. – T. Palomino 2 years ago

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