
Why Does My Mom Play So Much Candy Crush?

An analysis on how mobile/casual games have exploded into the market in recent years and why it is that people who play these kinds of games on a daily basis are, by definition, gamers themselves.

Also includes a short section on why a lot of people decide to ignore such a definition and instead criticize those who play casual games like Tiny Tower and Bejeweled.

  • Funny title! I would also include Angry birds if the writer decides to talk about multiple games, because Angry bird's popularity led to animated shorts and a film that will come out in 2016. – YsabelGo 9 years ago
  • I find mobile games fascinating- whoever writes this should definitely watch the game theory episode about Candy Crush, and the psychology it uses to keep players intrigued. – akasharose 9 years ago
  • Interesting idea. My mother would never consider herself a gamer, but she plays solitaire on her phone on the train home from work every day. – MichelleAjodah 9 years ago
  • There is a great deal of psychology behind why these games can be so addicting. It's actually really interesting, and it will be interesting to see how whoever takes this explores the topic. – Vexliss 8 years ago
  • This makes me want to interview my parents on the subject. My dad considers himself a gamer though he doesn't have time to play much other than Marvel's Contest of Champions. But my mother detests the idea even though she plays more mobile games than him. – TGoutos 8 years ago

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