Woody Allen Soundtracks

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Soundtrack in Woody Allen films

Woody Allen is a jazz musician himself and always feature jazz soundtracks in his films. Analyse the use of soundtracks in Woody Allen films. How do they add to his style, to the characters, to the narrative, to the atmosphere? How do they vary in his American films and in his European films? Share some titles!

  • Do you think narrowing the scope to specifically Woody Allen movies cuts off fertile ground for criticism and analysis? Just off the top of the dome: The Coen Brothers, Tarantino, Romero, Woo, and Burton strike me as directors/writers whose music selection is as, if not more, important to their movies as the acting, script, etc. Could the topic be expanded to include a critical discussion of the ways specific genres of film (noir, western, comedy, drama, etc) use specific genres of music (jazz, country, rock, pop, etc.), or would that confuse the issue? – Bo 9 years ago
  • That's true but that would mean an extensive and very long article, whereas focusing on one filmmaker in 1 article allows more depth in the analysis. A series of articles could be done like that - one on Tarantino, one on Burton... But I know a lot of people have already written on these directors and their taste in music, whereas the interest in Woody Allen's soundtracks is lower. – Rachel Elfassy Bitoun 9 years ago
  • I do agree with Rachel, this is such an extensive topic on its own that adding more would probably hurt the articles overall effectiveness. – Austin Bender 9 years ago