
The incredible story of Florence Foster Jenkins

Florence Foster Jenkins was a woman who was passionate about singing and opera. Yet she could not sing, had no rhythm and no one would tell her, too scared to hurt her or too amused by her ridiculous singing. She even performed at the Carnegie Hall in New York, her first public performance. The critics were so negative and mocking that she took it very much at heart – in fact, died 2 days later of a heart attack. Her tragic story is the theme of a French film called Marguerite coming out this week, and Stephen Frears is shooting a film about her with Meryl Streep which will be in theaters in 2016. Write a post on her life story and reflect on why she continues to fascinate the public and the film industry especially.

  • I think this article would be stronger and better if, after you talk about the above, you incorporate how the film (2016) portrays her and whether it was accurate, etc. since it seems as though this fits into the film category. – Nof 9 years ago

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