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Spirituality in "Chainsaw Man"

Whilst the series "Chainsaw Man" has much in common with other shounen action series, it also appears to be trying to make some sort of spiritual point. The frequent invocation of devils and the Four Horsemen, for instance, seems to be drawn from Christian theology. It is also possible to read Denji as a Christ figure (whose friendship with others causes them to become better versions of themselves) and Makima as a Satanic figure (who wants to bend the entire world to her will).

On the other hand, Christianity does not appear to be the only influence in "Chainsaw Man." For instance, Denji may be less a Christ figure per se than a generic "savior" figure, similar to Neo from "The Matrix," who has his roots in multiple religious traditions. Moreover, there are actually some interesting parallels between Makima and the way certain atheists understand the God of the Bible: namely, as a sort of controlling, wicked stepfather.

What spiritual dimensions can be found in the characters and setting of "Chainsaw Man?" Is there any influence of traditional Japanese spirituality, such as Shintoism or Buddhism, and if so, what does it consist of? Are any of the spiritual references in the series deliberate, or are they purely aesthetic?


    Did Boruto "kill" Naruto? - The Impact of Boruto on the Narutoverse: Exploring the Evolution and Continuity

    As a writer, it is important to delve into the theme of how Boruto has impacted the Narutoverse and what aspects should be explored. Here are some key points to consider:

    Evolution of the Narrative: Analyze how the introduction of Boruto as a sequel series has brought new dimensions to the Narutoverse. Explore the ways in which the storyline, characters, and overall world have evolved to reflect the passage of time and the changing dynamics of the ninja world.

    Character Development: Examine the growth and development of familiar characters from the Naruto series within the context of Boruto. Explore how their experiences and relationships have evolved, and the impact this has had on their individual story arcs and the overarching narrative.

    Intergenerational Conflict: Investigate the conflicts and tensions that arise between the older generation of characters from Naruto and the new generation represented by Boruto. Explore the clash of ideals, values, and perspectives, and how this dynamic shapes the narrative and drives character growth.

    Continuity and Legacy: Explore how Boruto maintains continuity with the Narutoverse while forging its own path. Examine the ways in which the series pays homage to its predecessor and honors the legacy of Naruto, while also introducing new elements and expanding the lore of the ninja world.

    Impact on Fanbase: Analyze the reception and impact of Boruto within the Naruto fanbase. Explore how fans have responded to the new series, the strengths and weaknesses identified, and the ways in which it has contributed to the ongoing enthusiasm for the Narutoverse.

    By exploring these aspects, the writer can navigate the theme of Boruto’s impact on the Narutoverse and delve into the intricacies of its narrative, character development, and fan reception. It is crucial to strike a balance between honoring the original series while allowing the new generation to carve its own path, creating a cohesive and engaging continuation of the beloved Naruto universe.

    • I'm not sure what happened, but, so it's made clear, I already took this topic and its article is in the Pending section. It was a great topic to write! Thank you for the idea! – Siothrún 1 week ago
    • Time limit ran out is all. Good topic and good article from the looks of it. – Sunni Rashad 1 week ago
    • Thank you for the clarification and for the compliment! – Siothrún 6 days ago

    Is Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort an obsessed creative?

    There is a very interesting blog entry on the Harry Potter Amino Apps page that compares Lord Voldemort (nee Tom Riddle) from the Harry Potter series to Andrew Nehman, the protagonist of Whiplash. The main thrust of this argument is that both characters come from a long line of mediocrities, and develop an obsession with being the best in their chosen fields in order to counter this, even if it costs them their humanity and personality. They also share at least one other similarity that goes unremarked upon in the blog: namely, that both of their mothers died in childbirth.

    The question is, does Voldemort have any other traits that make him similar to other obsessed creatives (real or fictional) besides just Nehman? What, if any, artistic talents does he possess, and what are some of the lengths he goes to master them? In terms of his characterization, just how essential a role does creativity play in making him who he is? Is there actually anything to the idea that Tom Riddle/Voldemort’s backstory and arc are that of an obsessed artist or creative personality, or does he just happen to have some traits in common with one obsessively artistic character purely by chance?


      Beyond Gratuitous Sadness: Unmasking Trauma Porn in Film and Literature

      Discuss how to discern genuine quality from exploitative storytelling. Gratuitous sadness in movies and books is a contentious issue, with some works blurring the line between genuine emotion and exploitative storytelling. To determine if a movie or book is truly good or just trauma porn, readers and viewers can look for key indicators. Examining the intent behind the portrayal of sadness, evaluating the depth and complexity of character development, and considering the impact on the audience’s emotional well-being are crucial factors to consider. For example, novels like "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara and the 2023 movie "Close" by Lukas Dhont, have sparked debates on the fine line between authentic emotional storytelling and gratuitous trauma exploitation. Understanding these nuances can help discern between quality storytelling and sensationalized trauma porn.

      • I think how you define "genuine quality" and "truly good" should either be elaborated on; or, the effects of gratuitous sadness should be judged according to a less subjective measure than goodness and quality, for example, by authenticity – Yusra Usmani 1 year ago
      • A good place to look for uses of 'trauma porn' is within the BooTok world, particularly when it comes to the dark romance genre. An example of this is 'Haunting Adeline' which exploits conspiracy theories, sexual assault and stalking. This book is on the USA Today Bestsellers list and only moving up the ranks. It is definitely an example of exploitative storytelling. – morgantracy 8 months ago

      Storytelling in Roguelike Games

      The topic taker should explore how roguelike games can be used to tell complex stories. Specifically, the topic taker should consider The Binding of Isaac and similar games that use its roguelike mechanics, like unlocking new characters, new powers, or new stat boosters to tell a multi-layered story. For example, in The Binding of Isaac, clearing a run usually unlocks a new ending to the game, and then opens up a new path and/or character for the player to choose.

      As always, the topic taker is free to include other roguelike games they know of that use the game mechanics to tell a complex story in their analysis. Things to consider would be as follows:

      – The story gets told in various parts, in some manner, as referenced with my example above.

      – The roguelike offers a story in some way, so, this excludes things like Brotato, to my understanding.

      – The topic taker is free to add in whatever elements they might need for this article. For example, the topic taker, if focusing on The Binding of Isaac may consider looking into how the religious elements in the game tell a deeper story. Or, if the topic taker chooses to include Hades in this analysis, they could include aspects of the Greek Pantheon that highlight elements in the story and/or mechanics.

      – The topic taker can consider the merits of comparing and contrasting two different roguelike games to see if storytelling is similar or different between them, but, given the nature of roguelike games, I would advise limiting this article to two games.

      Here is a link to the Wikipedia for The Binding of Isaac for topic takers who may not be familiar with the game or its mechanics: (link) Binding of Isaac is,to OS X, and Linux.

      • Hades is a really interesting case study for this topic. A lot of the story is told through multiple runs/run ins with characters, as well as multiple times beating the final boss. – Sean Gadus 2 weeks ago

      Shifts in YouTube and the Rise of Short Video Media Like TikTok

      Following the departure of the creator of channels The Game Theorists, Film Theorists, Food Theorists, and Style Theorists, MatPat, from YouTube, there has been discussion about the changes of YouTube’s platform and if viewers of the platform are going to see other long-standing YouTubers leave. In MatPat’s goodbye video, he references other YouTubers who have decided to leave the platform and notes that "the platform is changing". We have also seen the trend of short-style videos in the vein of TikTok rise in popularity. The topic taker should address what changes they see taking place, possibly using the host of recent goodbye videos as a jumping off point, for the web-video platforms and analyze what those trends might mean for others looking to get into the content creation space.

      The topic taker is free to include the psychological impact of content creation, especially with the constant stream of short-form videos, has on a person. In addition, the topic taker can compare and contrast the platforms of YouTube and TikTok on multiple levels, such as monetization strategies and algorithms if they wish in order to predict where the trends might be going and indicate what those trends suggest for viewers and creators alike.

      MatPat’s Farwell: (link)


        Shonen Anime Adaptations: From Manga to Screen

        Anime adaptations of manga have been a staple of the industry for decades, offering fans a chance to see their favorite characters and stories come to life in motion. This is specifically true for the Shonen genre. This topic delves into the intricate process of adapting Shonen manga into anime, the challenges involved, and the reception of these adaptations by audiences. Write what kind of manga series tend to be adapted and what are the typical reasons for that selection. Discuss whether faithfulness to the manga is always necessary and what the risks are in deviating from the source material. Other possible issues to focus on the effect of animation on the source material, filler content, voice acting, etc . . .


          The drive to turn children's TV shows into something adult-themed

          Many adults nowadays like watching children’s TV shows. Sometimes this is due to the nostalgia factor associated with a beloved show from childhood, whereas other times, adults will start watching a show in adult age (as happened with both "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and "Bluey," for example). Either way, it’s common for adults watching the show to attempt to put a more adult-themed spin on the plot or characters than was initially intended, by adding more violent, sexual, or all-around disturbing content. On the simplest level, this can take the form of disturbing fan theories or memes about children’s TV (such as the "Rugrats" theory that everyone is dead except for Angelica); but it can also be more extensive. For instance, the "My Little Pony" fanfic known as "Cupcakes" was a well-written story whose entire purpose was to make "My Little Pony" violent. This story was so successful it spawned an entire subgenre of "grimdark" fanfics, in which each of the main characters from "My Little Pony" took turns playing the role of a bloodthirsty villain.

          The question is, why are adults so interested in making adult-themed versions of popular children’s shows, especially when there are so many gritty, adult-oriented TV shows out there? If the adults are watching the children’s shows because they like wholesome entertainment, then why post adult-themed fanfic or memes about them at all? Is there something about the union of children’s shows with dark themes that is exceptionally appealing, and, if so, are there certain characteristics that make particular shows most likely to be used in this way?

          • Similar to this is people claiming this is more realistic or what would actually happen if placed in real world context – BeardedTree 2 weeks ago

          Analyzing Evoland: A Touching Game about the History of Games, or a Retro Gameplay Nightmare

          Evoland I and II are games by the indie developer Shiro Games and were released in 2013 and 2015. Evoland was inspired by older games in series like Final Fantasy and Zelda, and, it somewhat takes the player through a bit of video game history in its premise. The gameplay, despite the shifts in playstyles that took place, flowed well, according to a reviewer. Evoland II definitely builds on the premise of capturing the feeling of how older games played, and has more mechanics in it than the first game. However, it could be said that there are too many mechanics that contradict and break flow.

          For this topic, the topic taker should look into reviews on both games to see if these games set out to capture a truly nostalgic feeling while adding their own twist to the genres the games were influenced by or if something about the older styles of gamplay simply don’t mesh in the modern era of gaming.

          The topic taker can consider the following avenues of research for adding foundation to this analysis:

          – Consider the history of the video game industry and the limits of technology that affected game mechanics and graphics and whether the current technology is too good to correctly capture how older games played.

          – Figure out what the developer intended for their games, if possible, and if they achieved that intention.

          – See if there are any other games similar to Evoland that mixes up different kinds of genre and gameplay and see if they are successful or if they fall into the same problems as Evoland.

          – If the topic taker has played Evoland and Evoland II, they are free to add in their personal experience with how the games felt as it relates to this topic.

          Here are links that might help the topic taker start their research:

          Evoland: (link)

          Evoland II: (link)

          • They were both on sale for the summer and I almost bought them just so I could write this pitch. – Sunni Rashad 2 weeks ago

          Examine the Themes of Matrix: Resurrections

          Matrix: Resurrections released in 2021 and returned viewers to the world that was built on in the previous trilogy. The first movie, The Matrix (1999) has been confirmed by the Wachowskis to be a trans allegory on some level, and the meaning of the first trilogy is still debated. The topic taker should examine if the themes of the most recent film add something to the trilogy’s discourse. Along with that, the topic taker should examine if any allegories are made within Matrix: Resurrections. Specifically, the topic taker should aim to answer the following question after their theme and allegory analysis:

          Does Matrix: Resurrections provide any meaning to where society finds itself with technology and the rise of AI?

          The topic taker is free to go into the history of the Matrix as a whole, including how it was produced to see if there are any similarities to how Resurrections was produced and if the new film took this history and the discourse surrounding the original trilogy into consideration. The topic taker can, of course, include any research on this topic that they wish. For example, if following the trans allegory of the original Matrix helps establish something that Resurrections is conveying, please include that in your analysis!

          Link to an interview excerpt by Lilly about The Matrix’s trans allegory: (link)


            Main character ensembles

            Although many stories have just one main character, many others have an ensemble of main characters, usually in sets of three to five. Although one character in these ensembles may be presented as more central to the story than the others, technically, all the characters in the ensemble could be considered main characters. For instance, a lot of classic superhero programs, especially on television, feature a team of five superheroes, often with one or two of that number being female. The children’s musical comedy "Fraggle Rock" also has five main characters (three male and two female), while "The Office" and its permutations have four (three male and one female). If there are three main characters, they’re often all of the same gender (e.g., Alvin and the Chipmunks), but an arrangement of two males and one female (as in the "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" series) also seems to be popular. Why are these particular configurations of main characters so common? Are there any stories that invert the usual gendered expectations about the makeup of the groups (two females to one male, for example)? Moreover, why does any story need more than one main character in the first place?


              Political Revolution and The Act of Reading

              Fahrenheit 451 focuses on the burning of books. In this fictional world, the owners of books and their homes are burnt and book ownership is seen as the root of unhappiness within society. During the period of the Enlightenment, books were a driver of change as new works like Thomas Paine’s Common Sense shaped ideas like liberty for the American public and led to American independence. More people read than did anything else during this period of change and political foundation for Western democracy. How is the act of reading linked to revolution in books like Fahrenheit 451 and what does this tell us about the importance of reading for the modern era?

              • It's not just reading, of course; it's sharing of information. Books are a great way to do that, especially when prying eyes might be listening and subtlety is key. During times of famous revolutions in history, the Internet wasn't a thing; when Fahrenheit 451 was written, the Internet wasn't a thing. Today, in countries where tyrannical governments keep firm control of their citizens, the Internet is restricted just as much as books were in Fahrenheit 451. In countries where the Internet is mostly un-regulated, everyone is making their best effort to sway public opinion in every direction - it may not lead to all-out revolution, but I'm sure one could make an argument for the influence this freedom of information sharing has had on major political events in the past 20 years or so. – noahspud 7 months ago

              The Questions of "Demonic" Animation

              Animated series such as Hazbin Hotel and Disney’s Little Demon have gained popularity over the last year. Some fans are attracted to elements like the musical structure of Hazbin, while others are drawn to sharply drawn and multifaceted characters, as well as irreverent humor and a safe way to explore the darker side of the afterlife.

              Yet, just as many other media consumers find this "demonic" animation offensive. For some, it goes against the tenets of their personal faith, particular Abrahamic religions, to consume these shows. Others find the demonic characters and landscape inappropriate for the kids at which some animation is aimed, or inappropriate for a mixed audience. Still others question why this material is so easily greenlit and produced while other material, such as films like Sound of Freedom, faced backlash and "cancelling" attempts due to graphic, yet realistic content at least somewhat based on true events.

              Analyze and discuss this "demonic" animation. Beyond its target and niche audiences, does it have any merit and if yes, for whom or in what way? Should there be a "heavenly" counterpart, and if yes, what would that look like (if not, why wouldn’t it work)? If demonic animation should be "replaced" because it’s inappropriate in any way, are there shows or other forms of media that would attract audiences the same way?


                The Enduring Power of Mario

                It seems like Mario and Luigi have been around since time immemorial. What began as an eight-bit video game with the goal of rescuing a princess from a dragon in the ’80s and ’90s, has become a veritable empire of games. From the 3-D Nintendo 64 edition of the original, which expanded Mario’s worlds and took the U.S. by storm circa 1996, to the nostalgic yet evergreen Mario Kart, to the newest addition Princess Peach Showtime, Mario has reached a broader audience than perhaps any other game franchise.

                Discuss the popularity of the Mario-verse and why its creators have been so successful in marketing not only the original games, but also games in completely different genres (racing, fashion and dress-up, and so on). You might choose to discuss characters and how their universes and personalities have expanded over time. Finally, you could speculate on where the Mario-verse might go next, and what worlds and ideas Gen Z and Alpha might find most appealing.


                  Victoria 3: Marxism simulator?

                  Depictions of the ideology of Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels are lacking in the world of video games. Many critics of Marxism have at best a child-like understanding of the term often reducing it to a string of buzzwords and malformed propagandist talking points.

                  As a result most games that feature any sort of Marxism, Socialism, or Communism, end up regurgitating the same played-out tropes. "No food, no freedom, all leaders are dictators"

                  One game that avoids the typical negative stereotypes of Marxism is "Victoria 3." In this grand strategy video game, players can explore and implement socialist policies inspired by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. By prioritizing workers’ rights, collective ownership, and economic planning, the game allows for a nuanced exploration of Marxist principles, demonstrating their potential benefits while navigating the associated challenges. How does "Victoria 3" provide a balanced and respectful depiction of Marxist ideology compared to other video games?


                    Saltburn and the fear of the poor

                    Saltburn (2023) was one of the biggest viral films on Tiktok for it’s numerous shocking scenes, excellent cinematography and catchy soundtrack. But one element of criticism it received was that many couldn’t follow the theme of the film.
                    While it drew elements from "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and many other film classics it’s message seemed muttled to many critics.
                    The writer can target the films core thesis, which is that the rich, should rightly fear their economic lessers because they’re scoundrels.
                    The writer can draw from historical rage against the rich along with the contemporary resentment of the wealthy and widespread calls of "Eat The Rich" along with the general antipathy of classes as economic disparity grows more every day.


                      Hatedom and the consequences of Para-Social relationships

                      Online spaces are known for the communities they attract. One unfortunate element in the modern digital era is the rise of the hater. "Hatedom" in the common parlance is the community of haters a creator attracts.

                      This perversion of the fandom space into a space of toxic hatred has contributed to numerous creators abandoning their respective fields online as it becomes more trouble than it’s worth for them.

                      Some examples for the writer are Vivziepop, creator of "Helluva Boss" and "Hazbin Hotel"
                      Hasan Piker, political analyst and streamer, and DarkSydephil, video game let’s player.
                      All of these people have large communities of people who hate them. This aspect of para-sociality has led to a culture of harassment of these creators. What can be done to address the problems this trend creates?

                      • Interesting topic! I'm sure there have always been people complaining about media as long as there has been media, but the internet has definitely allowed people to spread their opinions further more easily, and establish groups of haters. I'm not entirely sure that what can be done to address these problems is quite in the scope of a single article (or at least, that's not where I'd take this topic personally), but there's definitely plenty of stuff to make this an interesting discussion. – AnnieEM 1 month ago

                      Alice Munro - her mastery of the short story genre

                      Any Alice Munro fans out there? It is due time to honour her memory with an article on her mastery of the short story genre. Your article could focus on one aspect of her story telling. For example:

                      Her narrative techniques.
                      The Nobel Prize committee characterised her writing thus: "A brief short story can often cover decades, summarising a life, as she moves deftly between different periods. No wonder Alice Munro is often able to say more in 30 pages than an ordinary novelist is capable of in 300. She is a virtuoso of the elliptical and … the master of the contemporary short story."
                      What techniques does she use to create scope, depth and complexity in a short space of 30 pages?

                      Her characters.
                      To quote the Nobel Prize presentation speech again, "Munro writes about what are usually called ordinary people, but her intelligence, compassion and astonishing power of perception enable her to give their lives a remarkable dignity – indeed redemption – since she shows how much of the extraordinary can fit into that jam-packed emptiness called The Ordinary."
                      In particular, Munro writes about women and family relationships. What kinds of female characters end up in her stories? What do they have in common? What about her characters that leaves an impression on the reader?

                      Her favourite themes.
                      Are there certain major themes that emerge across the large number of her stories? What are they? Did her treatment of the themes change over the decades of her career and did they reflect changes and transformations of Canadian society?

                      You could do a thematic or character study across the corpus of her works, or offer a literary analysis of one or two particular stories.

                      • Unfortunately, her knowledge of the abuse her daughter suffered at the hands of her step-father may recontexualize some of her works that may be important to consider. A link to an article about the abuse: – Siothrún 3 weeks ago

                      Manga to anime adaptations vs. book to film adaptations

                      Do they follow similar patterns or is one typically more successful than the other? What have you noticed about the reception from fans for each type of adaptation? Why do you think these results have occurred?

                      • Hmm... interesting subject, but I'd add more explanation as to why this topic is in need of an analysis and reflexion. – Beaucephalis 1 year ago
                      • This could be an interesting subject! Though I feel like the fact that anime is episodic and longer than a movie would make the comparison a little odd - in some ways, I feel manga to anime vs book to tv show could be a more apt comparison. While the latter isn't as common, I feel the differences in the length of a single movie vs a series makes comparing the two in a productive way a little harder. It the comparison being more about the mediums for their structural differences in length rather than being about adaption. There's also a lot of factors here that can influence the difference between manga to anime vs book to film/tv show - the strengths and limitations and costs of animation vs live action, the nature of prose vs manga/comics as a medium, and of course cultural differences between the places making these movies and anime. – AnnieEM 1 year ago
                      • I think this is an interesting topic. Though I'd argue that these are a very large categories to explore, which could make analysis challenging. – Sean Gadus 10 months ago
                      • Fascinating Topic! I feel that in terms of visual aesthetic Manga to Anime is more closely affiliated when compared to book adaptations. With Manga, one is clear as to how a character looks whereas with books oftentimes the cast is completely different from their on-page persona. That difference could be worth exploring within this topic. – Eeshita 10 months ago

                      Game On: Exploring BTS's Influence in the World of Video Games

                      In this topic, we’ll delve into the fascinating intersection of BTS’s influence and the world of video games. We’ll examine how BTS’s presence has shaped the gaming landscape and its diverse audience by posing thought-provoking questions. We’ll investigate BTS’s collaborations in video games, such as their roles in mobile games like "BTS World" and "BTS Universe Story," as well as the phenomenon of their virtual concerts within gaming platforms. Furthermore, we’ll analyze how BTS’s involvement has contributed to the promotion of gaming culture among their fanbase, and explore the broader implications of their engagement with video games on entertainment and digital media consumption trends. Through a nuanced exploration of partnerships, endorsements, and interactive experiences, we’ll uncover how BTS’s presence in the gaming world has not only expanded their influence but also revolutionized the way fans interact with both their music and gaming content.

                      • You're on a BTS kick aren't you? – Sunni Rashad 2 months ago
                      • Yes, and I am writing one about them myself ;) – Beatrix Kondo 2 months ago
                      • This reads like the summary of an article that is already written, conclusion already drawn. The topics are written for other writers to explore, so they would work better by posing clear questions. – Lydia Gore-Jones 2 months ago
                      • I reformulated the topic. – Beatrix Kondo 2 months ago