As much as I want to write this article, I feel like someone has a better grasp at this topic. A discussion of comedienne Amy Schumer, such as her stand-up comedy and her show on Comedy Central, Inside Amy Schumer. Perhaps discuss her best sketches.
I would really enjoy reading this article because I feel like Amy just came out of nowhere and all of a sudden she is this huge female voice in the entertainment industry. I don't even know where she came from! – Alora10 years ago
An insight into her comedic character (and growth of) might be good too, as the film Trainwreck that's coming out this summer (I think?) looks set to be a film version of the persona that is represented in her stand-up. – Hannah Spencer10 years ago
I think what really appealing to her as a comedian is how much she makes fun of herself. A lot of her humor is pretty relatable to young women as well with sketches like "Hello M'lady" and "Girl, You Don't Need Makeup". – Amelia Fairweather10 years ago