
Analyzing Disturbing Themes in American 90s Cartoons

Rugrats (1991), Ren and Stimpy (1991), Pinky and the Brain (1995), Hey Arnold (1996), and Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999) all have moments or episodes with disturbing themes in them, such as Hey Arnold's train ride to the underworld, Archie needing surgery on his sinuses in the Rugrats, or Fred the hairdresser in Courage the Cowardly Dog, for examples. The topic taker should take the time to analyze some of these episodic themes and detail how, despite their disturbing nature, they might help viewer cope with their own complicated feelings around things like having a surgery, encountering an abandoned train, or getting a bad hair cut, though Fred seems to also serve as a message about boundaries and consent as well. Following that, the topic taker could also examine whether these disturbing themes had the opposite effect on viewers. In addition to this, the topic taker is free to also consider the psychological impact disturbing scenes like these might have on younger viewers, to better determine whether these themes are helpful, harmful, or somewhere in between when it comes to children's developing understanding of the world.

Delving into the history of the time and what may have influenced the developers of the show to create such imagery and disturbing elements into their shows could also inform the intent behind certain episodes' existences. Taking a brief historical view could also bring some of the potential global current events of the time into focus and allow parallels to be drawn between those events and the show as well, which could provide an interesting lens into what American media was trying to say about the event. Also, having a holistic view of the cartoons mentioned could also shed light on what, exactly, the show was aiming to convey and why those disturbing episodes are important to the plot.

Of course, the topic taker is free to examine shows outside of the ones mentioned, so long as they are an American production and were created in the 90s. However, it is advised that the topic taker consider how the breadth of additions could detract from the depth of the piece and the focus of the article.

Wikipedia to Ren and Stimpy: (link)
YouTube analysis on Rugrats: (link)
Wikipedia to Hey Arnold!: (link)
Courage the Cowardly Dog Fandom Wiki: (link)

  • This is so in depth but most of these shows, I just watched carefree, cause I was a child obviously but it nice to look back at thoughtful analysis – Karena 4 weeks ago

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