
Connecting themes in High School ELA to Social Studies

Analyze the ways in which novels and literature studied in English are often directly connected to themes and topics in High School Social Studies. For example, Grade 12 Social Studies focuses on collectivism, individualism, and liberalism which are present in books like 1884, Fight Club (cult culture), a Handmaid’s Tale, and many more. Grade 11 Social focuses on these of nationalism, ultranationalism, foreign aid and genocide which are present in many graphic novels and the Avengers films. The Orenda and the Kite Runner are also great ways to teach Historical Globalization in Grade 10 Social Studies. Ender’s game can even be used to connect the Aztec and Spanish civilizations in Grade 8 Social.

  • This is an interesting topic. I think it would be very helpful if schools focused on this type of reinforced learning. In my middle school, we'd actually do "themed" years. For instance with our medieval themed year we did art projects, put on a talent show, learned culture, and even enacted our own class system based on medieval times. IN addition to this, we also learned about it in social studies and read books based on those times in Lit class. I think this type of learning helps solidify knowledge and the visual fun stuff makes it memorable for life. – Tatijana 9 years ago
  • Thank you for the submission. Given that you received revision entries and did not mark them as fixed, I will disable this topic from further editing and publication. If you wish to revive it, please send me a PM via my profile. Thanks! – Misagh 9 years ago

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