
Do we still watch cinema?

Consider the decline in visiting the cinema and how this (negatively) impacts our appreciation of the visual and sound quality, as purposely designed by the director for the theater.
One significant cause would be the rise in subscriptions to platforms like Nettflix and more generally laptop streaming (which includes illegal viewing). What do we lose and gain from this change in spectating?

  • A useful parallel can be drawn from will email get rid of regular mail. The technology was predicted to bring about the eventual demise of the post office. But, people in the post office have said that email has facilitated more post office deliveries as people buy online among other reasons. It may be that movies are sort of like the hardcover of a book release and then you go to soft cover and then online. I think cinemas will launch their fares and there will be crossovers to crossovers, similar to the movie Fargo in the 90s launching a TV show. – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • I still go to cinema for the movies I have had high expectations for, or for those with large-scale action scenes that could only be fully enjoyed on a big theater screen. Probably this is largely due to the fact that I don't have Internet or cable at home, and all I had was a small TV to play my VHSs and DVDs. Therefore, cinemas still have their charm to me as they offer things that are inaccessible at home. However, I think most people who used to visit cinemas frequently did so for the experience, instead of for the movies themselves. In other words, cinemas used to be fun. – Chiharu 9 years ago
  • In all honesty, I think a huge factor in the loss of moviegoers is the excessive monetary expense of attending the cinema. A typical ticket costs approximately $11-13, and that's not for 3-D, IMAX, which is excessively popular. Tickets for such films are between $18-21. As a true devotee to the old films of classic Hollywood, all of the action, explosions, car chases, etc., are not appealing to me, personally. Another issue is the constant recycling that takes place, whether it be yet another addition to a franchise, or another re-adaptation. I do agree that the ability to watch new shows and movies on netflix, as well as amazon, hinders upon the cinematic enterprise. It is a shame, though, because seeing a film in the cinema, is an experience. How many times has someone mentioned a movie, and we are so quick to say, "I saw that in the theater." Interesting topic for conversation... – danielle577 9 years ago
  • Going to the movies is still very much a part of my life. I plan years in advance for highly anticipated films. I attend the movies between 1-3 times a month. Netflix, and other video platforms, are reserved for older films and/or films I didn't catch or deem worthy to spend more money on at the theater. However, I enjoy the moviegoing experience. I like being submerged in the darkness with surround sound and a bucket of popcorn as large as me. Other moviegoers don't bother me because I tune so deeply into the movie. I believe what we lose from not going to the movies is the magic of cinema, the complete suspension of reality, the experience that's created by massive screens and surround sound. Also, unless the industry changes to catch up to the Netflix platforms, if we continue down a road of less moviegoing we'll lose the quality of movies because the lack of profits won't support it. What we gain is more power over our dollar and the ability to pause and play as much as we like. – CharmieJay 9 years ago

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