Is there still the opportunity to break new ground in film, or are we now in the age of "recycling". With the countless release of sequels, and the overflow of generic movie genres and motifs, is it now time to be concerned that creativity and uniqueness is dying out in the film industry?
Everything has been done before, that is just a simple fact of life. Any form of entertainment has taken elements from something that has come before it whether it be themes, ideals, character tropes, etc. I think the problem with the film industry is that it is, like everything, a business. Open expression, creativity, uniqueness are things that unfortunately do not sell on a large scale. Big budget film production companies want to invest in certainties, not possibilities. I think that is why project funding websites like Kickstarter have been so successful. It allows the public to directly decide what it is they want to be made. And it will vary for everyone. Is creativity dying out of the film industry? I don't think so, not yet. The indie film scene is proof of that. But I think even when looking at big budget productions, there is still a huge amount of creativity and uniqueness that squeezes through. Mad Max: Fury Road is the most recent example in my eyes because George Miller was able to keep his vision intact throughout the production. Did the movie take close to 20 years to finally get made? Yeah it did, but when Warner Bros. finally greenlit the project, Miller was able to make the film he wanted, they trusted him to a far extent, and that in itself is very rare in Hollywood. – Jonssona10 years ago
I think your topic is way too vague to draw any conclusions from. It is one thing to say "We see the same old stuff every year" and it is another thing to prove it. For this topic to work, you have to narrow your area of focus from "all of film" to "blockbusters" or "genre film". With a title like that, you are begging for people to come loaded with examples proving you wrong. – CLuciantonio10 years ago
We cannot be original but we can be creative. I do believe that some areas of entertaining are simply recycling without being creative in the process. Perhaps the industry is afraid of trying something new? Who wants to lose money? Perhaps artists aren't being bold or brave enough? How can we alter the cycle? Many artists have created their own platform. For the industry to produce a strong, "new" film, one has to exist. So perhaps its on the artist to take the step forward and create an opportunity for change. – yase10 years ago
Writing about this topic without taking a look to all the debate about originality in fiction that has been around for decades would be like adding another brick to the Great Wall of China. – T. Palomino3 years ago