
Humanity in Psychological Thrillers

In the recent horror film titled Babadook, it is clear that the main character suffers hallucinations and eventually goes through insanity because something we all experience; a toothache. This would be an interesting article to write, since something so human that pertains to all of us, causes this insanity, and leads to a perfect psychological thriller. Examine how many other horror films can be humanized, and the events of horror films can be explained by natural human behavior/actions.

  • It would be really cool to look at films like Silence Of The Lambs and Hannibal because of the extremely unique main characters. They too have scarily very realistic human qualities, which is what makes a story so brilliant and plausible. – Nof 10 years ago
  • This could be a good article, especially if you examine both the psychology of the villains and of the victims. – Winter 10 years ago
  • It would be interesting to note how said humanity affects the protagonist(s) in their treatment of the antagonist. – smartstooge 10 years ago
  • Whoever writes on this topic should be sure not leave out a good analysis of the mother and her son. The complexities of their relationship drive the movie and really ground it on something tangible that the audience can grasp onto. – S.A. Takacs 10 years ago
  • What is interesting to me is that I recently heard another interpretation of The Babadook, that the monster was the young boy's way of explaining his mother's depression and mental strife after the death of her husband. Another angle for a topic like this could be to present the different humanizing theories to a film and maybe do some sort of analysis. – Marcie Waters 9 years ago
  • Isnt that what all good writing does, makes us wonder how we would respond given the characters same circumstances? – NovaHammer 5 years ago
  • That sounds interesting, but a single example is not enough for me to believe there is a trend that can be found in "many other horror films." – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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