The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its action-packed superhero blockbusters. The whole genre is single-handedly carried by Disney at this point, with WB's DC being the honorable competitor even Marvel must pity. But with Phase 4, viewers are already reminiscing how good the initial movies were. This is point every franchise or medium reaches – "the old stuff was so much better." Derive comparisons between this phenomenon and other cinema franchises (might as well expand to other media, such as music or art) – and conclude whether the Marvel's marvelous days are over? For once, with great powers come great responsibilities. As the sole arbiter of the "superhero" genre, is Marvel's lack in handling its responsibilities* going to spell its doom? *When I say lack in handling responsibilities I mean churning out movies solely for ticket sales even when the story could use more work (latest MCU movies and TV shows) and trying to milk as much cash as possible (launching a barrage of TV shows).
I think this definitely worth writing about but I wouldn't be willing to do the research of Phase 4. I finished with Endgame, and nothing else has really sparked interest in me. – SunnyAgo3 years ago
I think this definitely worth writing about but I wouldn't be willing to do the research of Phase 4. I finished with Endgame, and nothing else has really sparked interest in me. – SunnyAgo3 years ago