
Manga vs anime

When they make a manga an anime they dont put everything in it like the manga had.

  • Are there specific examples of mangas and animes where adding or subtracting from the story had a significant effect on the plot? – Kevin 8 years ago
  • I think this is an awesome way to compare the differences in manga and its anime adaptation (just like Kevin said). Tokyo Ghoul is one example. – seouljustice 8 years ago
  • Well assassination classroom has some thing left out ,not big though. Bleach is another one. – mikka1321 8 years ago
  • To make this topic more complex I'd address the motivations for each change. Like, instead of "I really wanted to see Kaneki break 103 bones" one might ask "why did the director make the creative decision to not include this?". – m-cubed 8 years ago
  • Thank you for the submission, but I am closing this topic from further editing. It has been pending for a while and the revision entries were never address. Please feel free to submit another topic. – Misagh 8 years ago

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