
Navigating the Publishing Industry

Today there are so many ways to get work published. Take a look at some avenues of publishing such as vanity press, self-publishing, online publishing, forums, traditional print publishing, etc. and explore the benefits and problems of the different types. Analyze which types of writers (i.e. student writers, professional writers, people who write as a hobby) are best for which types of publishing.

  • In college, my writing professors told us not to be afraid of traditional avenues of publishing. They suggested that young writers should try to get short stories and poems published in literary journals and magazines (there are tons of them out there with calls for submissions). That way, you'd have a sort of resume that a publisher would be able to see, especially if you were interested in having a larger work published and in print. – S.A. Takacs 10 years ago
  • One of my favorite authors of all time, R.A. Salvatore, was asked in an interview: is self-publishing or traditional publishing better in the present publishing industry standards? He answered very honestly that the publishing industry isn't at all what it used to be. New authors have a really hard chance at becoming published by a well known publishing industry because most traditional publishing industries aren't accepting new authors. There is too much liability. He suggested that it is more than beneficial for a new author to self-publish because that seems to be where the industry is leading to. – kmercwriter 10 years ago
  • I would love to read this article. The publishing avenues have increased, but so has the sheer number of "writers," and with it the competition. – Amena Banu 10 years ago

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