I think there are may writers who can write, but what makes a good writer? Its not just correct grammar and use of good words / sentences. Its more about connecting the reader to write-up isn't it? To really convey his or her message to the reader that can touch one's heart! That psychological aspect in the writing! That feel in the writing that can connect the reader with everything it can!
What makes a writer/author "good" is also subjective. Some people might find an author amazing and others will be less thrilled with their work. It might also be worthwhile to discuss the books people consider "classics" like Charles Dickens' or Jane Eyre novels. What makes them classic and who decides? – S.A. Takacs9 years ago
A "good" writer is like any other artist. Art usually provokes a reaction. Just as beauty evokes a feeling of joy and humility, art will generate a response. Not always positive and not always appreciated in its era. I think this could be an effective article if the writer focuses on touching readers' hearts. What do readers care about? It's like writing a musical piece. You compose and hope people enjoy it and get it. – Munjeera9 years ago
Some necessaries for a good writer: lateral thinking, a clear conscience, the realization that no one is objective. "Remember when you're out there trying to heal the sick that you must always first forgive them." – Tigey9 years ago
Ironically, I attempted to broach a sort of similar topic, but was asked--and for good reason--to define the term "good." I did not want to use the word "good," but I also did not want readers to become fixated on just the technical aspects of writing, which can be taught. Writing is a subjective experience. How many times have you stated, "I love that book!," to someone else responding, "I just didn't get what all the hype was about." Many times, books that "speak to us," are due to our personal journeys in life. Lastly, let's not forget the greatest writers who were told that they weren't any good, or were rejected countless times!!! – danielle5779 years ago
I think this topic will spark many subjective answers, but my perspective on this topic is that a "good" writer must be able to communicate their ideas to an audience. There are examples in literature where authors ignore existing grammar rules or traditional conventions, but because their ideas reflect themselves and their community, the work becomes useful and valid for representing a set of ideas. For example, much of Beat literature is pretty much unreadable from a grammatical perspective, but its influence on American youth and counterculture is undeniable. So if I was to further clarify your topic question, I would ask: how can an author ensure their work communicates to an audience and what steps can they take to better reflect their perspective of the world around them? Some potential answers to that question in relation to your original query might include suggestions for how the writer can immerse themselves in a community ("No man is an island"), write in the language of the community, and use that community as the writer's target audience. I think answering the "how-to" part of that question will help get to the psychological aspect you are referring to in your topic question. – Kevin8 years ago
If you were looking for a purely psychological view point I would source Rebecca Sax and her ted talk "How we read each others minds" in which she talks about how authors use psychology to relate to other people. The RTPJ portion of the brain is responsible for making moral judgements and thusly is used to determine what someone is thinking and if it is justified. As writers the question "What are they thinking?" Is essential to the craft and so we must use this part of our brains incredibly often. It would be interesting to see if that particular section of the brain is larger in artists, such as writers, than average people. – ReidaBookman8 years ago