
Representation of Harry Potter in 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'

Among the anticipated release of 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child', readers were avid to know more about the Potter universe based 20 years after Voldemort's defeat. But did the playwrights do an accurate job of representing Harry in the script? Readers might see him as stony, uncompassionate and cold- not representative of Harry. Explore why Harry might come off as 'different' and whether this is a possible interpretation of how he might be in the years after he defeated Voldemort, as he attempts to create a 'normal' life for himself and his family.

  • Well, the Harry we knew was Harry as a child. The Harry of the books is an adult, having faced trauma, accompanied by current real-life stressors and a slew of responsibilities. Also, people do change after traumatic events. Another thing to consider is the fact that when people are facing obstacles, they have a level of momentum driving them through each challenge; yet, once these obstacles cease to exist, the person can sometimes become lost and not know how to interact "normally," now that their world, as they've known it, has changed. Just a few thoughts... – danielle577 9 years ago
  • Harry Potter, as we knew him at the end of Deathly Hallows was at the beginning stages of the transition into wizarding adulthood. The only glimpse we got of him as an adult is the epilogue, which was very brief, but it was all we had to go off of for nine years. It is important to remember that the 20's is another very important season of changing for most people, and Harry Potter shouldn't be considered immune to that at all. Another idea, this play is mostly told from Albus Severus's perspective. Perhaps this is why Harry does oftentimes read as cold or stony, especially when taking into consideration the conversations between Ginny and Harry about the father and son's relationship in the play. – EmilyEMeadows10 9 years ago

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