A deep dive into Sense8's polarizing critical response and its impact on both television industry and its vocal audience. The value of its idealistic themes and visual idiosyncracies generate dissenting opinons about the hiearchy of importances when it comes to serialized visual storytelling. Many consider its plot slow and weak at best, at worst utterly confusing and contrived. But audiences have fallen in love with its diversified representation of characters, cinematography, and a focus on character moments rather than A-to-B plot-driven sequences. In a high conceptci-fi show, that's almost blasphemy. But if anyone is gonna try it, it'd be the Wachowskis.
I watched this show recently, and I'd have to agree that while the plot left many questions unanswered in the end, I did find the characters easy to sympathize with and I especially love how "human" they all were. However, I would be curious to know if you think the character-centered storytelling was a good thing or not? As well, do you think that they will be able to revisit the story for a second season, or will they leave things as they are? – SStevens10 years ago
What baffles me about Sense8 is that the main characters are never physically together! I was expecting them to move countries to be together and fight the good fight. Of course, I'm not finished with the first season. I left off with episode 10, which told half its story with not text! Finally, we have story tellers who are being brave, clear and honest. This sort of thing is not original however. Dance and theatre use this style of story telling frequently. Fantasia was one of the earliest in its medium to do this. This article can draw attention to non-text based films the precede Sense8 and perhaps discussing other mediums of story telling, and how they translate to film, ultimately discussing what makes Sense8 successful. – yase10 years ago