
Steven Universe and Huxleian Collectivism

Every brief glimpse the audience of Steven Universe is allowed into the nature of the crystal gems' Homeworld conveys it to be an environment remarkably Huxleian in quality. The denizens of the planet are all created for highly specific purposes (from which they are not allowed to deviate): Pearls are personal attendants, Rubies are soldiers, and of course, Diamonds are monarchs who rule over everyone else. Such a social structure is reminiscent of that which is present in Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World.' Is this a valuable comparison to make? To what extent is it true? Additionally, in what ways (with the characters' interactions on Earth) do the cast of Steven Universe affront Homeworld's status quo? Is the message their resistance sends to watchers valuable? If so, how?

  • I think Homeworld's message is "everyone in their place, and the places are preassigned," while the Crystal Gems say, "Everyone finds their own place." There should definitely be discussion of class and aristocracy regarding the Homeworld. – IndiLeigh 8 years ago

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