The Office, in its original British incarnation, is a wildly-popular mockumentary sitcom created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. This...
Debs Aug 8, 2022
As the twenty-first century enters its second decade, Disney has undergone huge changes. The company has made huge strides in...
Stephanie M. Oct 3, 2021
Ever since paintings of human endeavors first graced caves in Sulawesi and France, humans gradually leveraged their inner selves. They...
Michel Sabbagh Sep 25, 2020
"Write what you know" is a popular adage, and for most writers, it works. Our bookshelves and e-readers are filled...
Stephanie M. Nov 26, 2018
In Hugo Guinness’s introduction to The Grand Budapest Hotel’s screenplay, he talks of a friend he and Wes Anderson discussed...
wierdbuthatsok Jun 29, 2014
Hey kids, you know what time it is? Dragon Ball time. Yes, another article on the internet discussing the most...
Sunni Rashad Jun 15, 2014
English fantasy writer Neil Gaiman has shown he can write in any medium. Comics, television, film, novel, you name it,...
retired account Apr 20, 2014
Over the last decade or so, the quality of TV programming has really come into its own as a serious...
Lachlan Vass Nov 25, 2013
Obviously I appreciate films from all eras, but as a 19-year-old there is a certain special bond that exists between...
Lachlan Vass Nov 1, 2013