Animation as a medium has faced several hardships that are still prevalent today, which proves to be frustratingly ironic, as...
Jeff Dumont Oct 27, 2017
Ever since the Disney Princess line began with Snow White in 1937, debate has raged over whether Disney's princesses and...
Stephanie M. Aug 15, 2017
World War two was the war that sent men overseas and sent women to the factories of America to work...
TaylorNCampbell Mar 10, 2017
Countless articles across the web claim that Disney is the enemy to all feminism, especially in its earlier years. Studies...
Jenae Dec 29, 2016
Disney, unlike, say, the BBC, has never been known for a high level of fidelity to the stories and novels...
Allie Anton Dec 27, 2016
The conclusion to Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid” is one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted and maligned in Western...
Allie Anton Jul 8, 2016
Every song has a story. Even instrumental music can tell its listeners a story: a slow, weeping song of two...
LilyaRider Jul 3, 2016
Spoiler alert: the plots to Inside Out, Frozen, Brave and Zootpoia are all discussed. Disney's growing list of female protagonists...
Anonymus Jun 10, 2016
Disney is always prepared to shake things up. They don’t always go by the seven standards I identified within Disney...
Adnan Bey Apr 7, 2016
Force Awakens Spoilers Ahead! Darth Vader is #3 on the AFI (American Film Institute) list of top film villains right...
Cmandra Feb 10, 2016