Analyze the cause and effect of the representation of weed in popular media. Lately, smoking pot has been shown as a normal part of youth's life. Is that normal? Do everyone, at one point in their life, smoke pot? Or the media the cause of that increase? While more countries are trying, or at least talking about, legalizing the usage of medical marijuana, is the media making the distinction difficult? How are people, especially the youth, supposed to learn that pot is bad for them, if the media makes it look normal? For example, shows such as Weeds and That 70s Show have no qualm in showing young people smoking pot. Other numerous shows (Parenthood, Roseanne, Gilmore Girls, and Friends just to name a few (there are many)) all have an episodes where the adults find/or acquire pot and reminisce about the times they smoked when they were young.
It could be interesting to compare the treatment of smoking marijuana today in pop culture to the treatment of smoking cigarettes in past culture. – Marcie Waters9 years ago
7% of Americans and 10% of Canadians smoke pot regularly. I would say it is definitely that smoking pot has been normalized first and then the media has taken it up. Could you add a few examples on TV or movies where pot smoking has been shown to be used by youth? – Munjeera9 years ago
Thanks for the comment and yes I will do that. – Nilab Ferozan9 years ago
Good work Nilab. I see you participating in the forum regularly. I look forward to your next article. – Munjeera9 years ago
Smoking pot appears in a bunch of shows as characters reminisce on smoking pot when they were young, but I think it's becoming more commonly just a thing that characters in TV do, like in Broad City. Is there a difference in how pot is treated from genre to genre? – chrischan9 years ago
While much of the world struggles to have enough clean water and food, others reminisce about the good old stoner days. Hmmmm.. – Tigey9 years ago