(There will be spoilers for some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and Marvel's Netflix series, so read with caution)...
Aaron Hatch Jan 25, 2016
Wade Wilson, also known as ‘Big Dee Pee’, is just your neighborhood friend or foe (more than likely foe). You...
scole Dec 10, 2015
When Marvel announced that the new Captain America was going to be African-American, there were two sides; one side that...
scole Dec 1, 2015
The golden days of DC and Marvel Comics funneled humanity's wildest imaginations into molds for great superheroes. And finally we...
Abhimanyu Shekhar Nov 20, 2015
Comic books first appeared in the United States in 1933 with Famous Funnies. This was a reprinting of comic strips...
Amanda Jarrell Oct 18, 2015
When you think about anti-heroes in anything you've read or watched from 2013 to now, you might have noticed most of...
scole Sep 27, 2015
Holy superhero movies, Batman! It didn't take long for Marvel's superhero mash-up Avengers: Age of Ultron to pass the $1 billion mark...
NurseManhattan Sep 23, 2015
There are many reasons for film and television producers to turn to the realm of comic books for source material. Richly...
IRBurnett Sep 11, 2015
Since the introduction of Superman in Action Comics way back in 1938, the superhero and comic book genres have always...
Jamie White Sep 4, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron. Frozen. Star Wars: The Force Awakens. What do these three movies all have in common? Is...
G Anderson Lake May 31, 2015