Barbara Kingsolver's novel Prodigal Summer is a deep exploration of interrelated themes such as ecology, feminism, and human relationships, making...
Laurika Nxumalo Dec 11
We all assume that mothers are associated with nurture, care, love and protection. Yet why are we so fascinated with...
REBGuest Jun 8, 2016
During a Sunday barbecue, while my brother-in-law was preparing the meat and my husband was cleaning the lawn furniture, my...
Nilab Ferozan Jun 6, 2016
The film poster for Lasse Hallström’s Chocolat lures potential viewers with a warmly-hued photograph of the beautiful French actress Juliette...
Felicia Bonanno Mar 21, 2015
Warning: This post contains spoilers about the film Thelma and Louise. Read at your own risk. The film Thelma and Louise...
Katie Brown Feb 10, 2015