Sausage Party

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Stereotypes in Sausage Party

Sausage Party, an R-rated animated feature, has provoked controversy since its release earlier this month. Many critics say that the film makes distasteful use of ethnic, religious and sexual stereotypes, perpetuating offensive associations that have long plagued Hollywood and western culture generally. However, as some of defenders of the film have pointed out, the characters in Sausage Party are not human beings, but rather products made by humans, and so represent and enact the assumptions embedded in the society that produced them. Such being the case, the defenders go on, the world in which the film takes place offers a space to explore the relation between these stereotypes and the culture from which they emerge.

Is Sausage Party an offensive film? Is its play with stereotype clever, or just lazy? Is it totally out of line, or does it constitute a legitimate satire of Hollywood's tendency to depend on stereotype?

  • Sorry Tigey, I tried to edit the post, but it doesn't seem to have stuck. After "clever, or just lazy" I meant to add: That is to say, are the filmmakers in control of the social implications of their use of stereotype, and if so, to what end do they evoke them? – TKing 8 years ago
  • If you send a message to misagh, he help you. – Tigey 8 years ago