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Writers as Teachers: a reflection of the pros and cons of education and the written word

A reflection about creative writers and their merit in teaching writing. What are the benefits of learning from a seasoned writer, what are some of the negative experiences. Is there exclusion present within the writing classroom, are writing teachers prone to picking favorites. Piece would be part reflection, would touch on the needs of education and those new to the craft of writing.

  • It would also be helpful to consider whether or not writing is an innate talent, and whether or not you can write well or eloquently is not so much a matter of practice as a matter of brain patterns? Or of the nurture your parents gave you in respect to books and the written word? This topic has a lot to explore, and I think all artists, performing or visual, can also chime in with opinions, since this idea of proficiency being an automatic qualification to teach is quickly becoming problematic in the art worlds. Teaching is in itself a skill that not everyone can handle well - what makes a good teacher is an important question that needs to be addressed now that education is becoming a huge factor in determining a person's lifelong fate. It's nice to see some discussion on it! – EulalieS 9 years ago
  • Interesting topic! I read a piece similar to this issue a while ago on Flavorwire; it was called "Should I Get an MFA?" and consisted of several writers' opinions surrounding current education and the abilities of a writer. Might help anyone who wants to tackle this topic. – emilydeibler 9 years ago
  • I was a writing teacher for 25 years. First, in literacy for some students who were not literate in their first language and later for academic writing. Having said that, with some trepidation that now my work will be scrutinized more closely, I loved the creative expression of each person developing his/her unique voice within the conventions. Manipulations of traditional methods and acquiring skill in blending in your own narrative or even at times defying conventions to make a point all serve to foster expressing yourself. Learning the basics can help someone get started with a framework and hopefully creativity takes over from there to collaboration. The ultimate piece following these steps can be a rich and rewarding experience if helpful in developing a writer's voice. I have seen the confidence people gain in written communication once a few basic steps are followed, so I am definitely on the side of learning from peers and maybe this article could explore not only learning from experienced writers but collaborating with even younger people. It helps to keep writing fresh, for me at least. – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • The results of this discussion may be highly opinionated. – T. Palomino 3 years ago