Teaching the Bible in any context, especially the classroom, is tricky. Teachers and professors have to be careful not to present the text in a devotional context, because not everyone is a devotee. However, the Bible is also a rich literary work; excerpts from it appear in many curriculums, especially World Literature textbooks. With this in mind, discuss the best way to teach the Bible as literature. For example, could certain parts of the Bible be paired with different classics (the story of David and Bathsheba Romeo and Juliet, excerpts from Revelation a time-honored apocalyptic or dystopian novel)? What would be your chosen pairings? Are there any parts you'd want to stay away from, or parts that lend themselves to literary teaching better than others?
Eschatology, the study of end times, as related to the dystopian future could be useful here. – Munjeera8 years ago
Thanks. I hope somebody writes this. I would, but as a Christian and religion/philosophy major, I'm probably too biased toward certain POVs. – Stephanie M.8 years ago