
“The Columbine Episode”

Are episodes about school shootings a good way to spark conversation, or are they just another plot device?
An in-depth look at the political side (gun control, safety, laws, etc.) as well as the social side can be discussed ( bullying,media influences e.g: video games, mental illness,racism).

Is the "shooting episode" going to have an impact on the characters for the rest of the series, or is it just one episode?

  • ( Degrassi “Time Stands Still”, One Tree Hill “ With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept “) – kitty22 4 years ago
  • My So Called Life “ Guns and Gossip” 7th Heaven “Teased” Law & Order “School Daze” Law & Order SVU "Manic" S.W.A.T “School” – kitty22 4 years ago
  • Discussing episodes that deal with the political side ( gun control, ) and the social side ( bullying media influences ie: video games) – kitty22 4 years ago
  • Excluding episodes that are based on Columbine and other school shooting incidences ( Cold Case “Rampage”) – kitty22 4 years ago
  • A data point to look into would be viewership/ratings of the aired episode and the ones following. There's a line drawn at which a show can have a little commentary on real life during its narrative versus when people shut off the TV during their break from reality. "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" experienced a severe dip in viewership for instance after that one episode featuring white policemen. – DancingKomodos 4 years ago

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