
The Historicity and Roman tales within "Gladiator" (2000)

Analyze the historical accuracy (both at the time of conception and with our new-found knowledge, i.e. Marble thought to be white but now is known to be colorful). Additionally, point out the historical or mythological tales conveyed within the film. For example, Maximus being portray as a "general who became a slave who became a gladiator who defied an empire" is much like Spartacus in the Third Servile War in the first century B.C. He was a Thracian Auxiliary officer for the Romans who at one point apparently fell out from grace and was then enslaved to be trained as a gladiator in Capua. From there he led a group of other gladiators in rebellion which rocked the Roman world for a couple years. As for mythological tales, there could be a comparison the relationship and plot of Commodus and Maximus to Romulus and Remus’s conflict and founding of Rome.

  • This is a topic which has been written about quite a bit in the "outside" realm of the internet. I would love to see an Artifice article approach this topic differently. I like the focus on new-found knowledge. 2000 was a long time ago and there have been strides in Roman research since then which begs the question: Is Gladiator now dated? – Cmandra 9 years ago

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