
Top Ten Cinematic Figures - Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers - Who Passed Away Too Soon

Who are the ten cinematic creators or performers whose untimely deaths have most deeply affected cinema? What is/are their lasting impact(s) on cinema? Which, if any, posthumous advances in film seem likely to have been achieved by these cinematic legends if not for their early deaths?

  • I like this topic due to there being so many different direction in which the writer of this article can delve into. I cannot wait to see what people come up with. Very nicely done. – danielle577 9 years ago
  • Critical phrase you've used: " whose untimely deaths have most deeply affected cinema?" How has it affected CINEMA? Not individual people, or the audience, but the concept of cinema itself. Did Heath Ledger's death really affect cienma that much, for example? Was his posthumous Academy Award something that redefined cinema? Not really, others have been awarded posthumous awards before. What about how his death affected "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus"? Several actors took on Ledger's character, and that would've affected the film and is one aspect that I think the writer could look at - how an actor/director's death during filming affected said film. – Jamie White 9 years ago
  • Great point, Jamie. I think my last question especially addresses that point, asking, not what a great performer, etc. that (s)he was, but what direction in cinema appears to have been curtailed or redirected by the individual's death. The answers to that question are challenging since the writer must know cinematic history well enough to trace it and see the changes caused by the contributor's death. – Tigey 9 years ago

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