Superman is impervious to pain. Has it ever been stated what he IS able to feel? Can he feel a tap on the shoulder, a hug, a kiss? Could work as a good article to discuss emotions amongst established superheroes.
Cool article idea. You could link it to the ongoing gritty and dark tonal wave these reboots are currently on. Does the filmmaker feel this way for the characters or does the studio simply want to manipulate us to like ever-lasting trends? – Thomas Munday10 years ago
But what superman are we talking about here? The comic books Superman? The TV shows Superman? The animated series Superman? The movies Superman? I am going to say that he sure can feel pain; you just have to hit him really hard, like, beyond human strength hard, or using those military grade weapons they build all the time... Assuming you are talking about physical pain only. – T. Palomino3 years ago