Modern comics highly regard the anti-hero as the new go to stereotype. Gone are the days of shining knights, and in their stead stand deeply flawed "heroes" who are thrust, most unwillingly, into roles that beg them to save the day. Conduct a comparison between heroes of old and modern comic heroes, and determine whether there is a place for the old "white knights" in modern comic franchises.
This is a very interesting topic. There are people who consider the "white knight" to be an idealized hero that may come across as one dimensional. A good addition would be to discuss whether or not the anti-hero is adding complexity to the character. – missmichelle10 years ago
Great idea! I think that it would be interesting to see how cultural mores/ethics have changed as well as how taste has changed to support these "new" superheroes and what they stand for – DClarke10 years ago
Might be worth looking at potential shifts in readership from entertainment (far as I'm aware comics use to be the norm to read) to wish fulfillment. The anti-heroes might be seen as easier to relate to while still maintaining the admiral qualities that the readers want in themselves. – WingerZ10 years ago
I feel like we live in a very post modern world that favors realism over illusion. Many people like to see themselves in their heroes so that the common humanity is clear. It's much harder to get attached to a character that we don't see as flawed. I think that's just the world we live in right now- we don't want idealized caricatures of what life is supposed to be, but something a little more raw and relatable. – SomeOtherAmazon9 years ago
on the same note I wonder if this is a good thing. Do the idealized characters inspire us to be better versions of ourselves? Do we lose that in these anti- hero types? – SomeOtherAmazon9 years ago