
Will Wonder Woman shape future female superhero films?

Discuss the potential box office and/or critical draw the upcoming Wonder Woman film may or may not have. Will it improve DC Entertainment's cinematic standards? How will it affect Marvel and their plans for more diverse films? Could a Wonder Woman film help shape a more diverse landscape of superhero franchises, regardless of critical or commercial success? Consider previous failures like Elektra and Catwoman and why they might have failed.

  • I think the most difficult part of this topic is writing about a movie that hasn't premiered yet and thus makes it difficult to compare and analyze. It would be really interesting though to look at previous box office or critical failures and see WHAT they did wrong and then look at what Wonder Woman is potentially promising. – LondonFog 8 years ago
  • This would be a great topic to explore now, as the film has been released and it clearly is changing the superhero genre/hollywood in general. – madsmcrae 8 years ago
  • Speculating about future events and their immeasurable impact in society could also be a great topic for an article. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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