
Wonder Woman: The Evolution

Since the film has been made and a trailer (maybe more than one) has been released as well – let's give some background to comic readers who may not know about WW. Explain Wonder Woman's relationship with herself, the Justice League, and how she came to be who she is today. Also, tieing in the new comic series she has had and seeing where the movie could potentially take from that instead of taking from the older versions of Wonder Woman.

  • This has already been published here: https://the-artifice.com/wonder-woman-history/ – Misagh 9 years ago
  • Thank you! I meant an updated version [I added it in there], she has a new comic series out from 2016! I wanted to focus on that and how the movie will (maybe) adapt to the newer comics being made recently instead of adapting to the older ones and making it more updated in a sense – scole 9 years ago

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