
What is our obsession with reality television?

Analyze why our society is infatuated with reality television. Is it strictly an American thing? Is one group of people or one region more likely to be interested in reality television than another, based on social, political, financial, etc. traits? Is reality television really that appealing? What does reality television have to offer its viewers?

  • I like this topic, it's short but simple and down to the point of where you want it to go. I often think about this, there's people all the time that ask if I watch reality television and honestly I haven't watched it since Laguna Beach haha, but there's just something about reality television that people love. I would love to see how this articles comes about. – scoleman 9 years ago
  • I appreciate your enthusiasm on tackling this topic. However, I do believe that you might want to re-think it because reality TV has such a vast and broad range. For example, you have anywhere between Keeping Up with the Kardashians to Million Dollar Listings to Pimp My Ride. All of these are extremely scripted, but if you look at them more closely, they all appeal to different types of audiences. Other than that I think it is a good topic that raises questions, interests and concerns about our society and the views of reality TV. – ryanreeve 9 years ago
  • I believe that reality TV intrigues the audience. People like to imagine what there life could potentially be like if they had money or lived a certain way. This creates hope – semelejansen 9 years ago
  • I think this is an interesting topic since some reality Tv shows have more seasons than a sitcom.It is interesting that for example a reality show like " The Real Housewives" has countless spinoffs as a result of the success from the original. – amini 9 years ago

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