
Amour, life and death

Analyzing the French movie "Amour" is possible to interpret it as a tale about death and love. Or, what makes us being loved or able to love. My suggestion is an experiment on write about the movie "Amour" focusing in his title and going deep in the issue of death, living, and love trying to ask "what is love?" in a specific horizon that the movie is revealing to us.

  • I think this movie has more than enough to go on regarding this topic; it's excellent! Although conversely you could do a head-to-head comparison of it with 'Intouchables', another French film which discusses disability but with a decidedly more positive spin on things. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
  • Calvin, this sounds awesome! Two movies so deep in feelings and interpretations. Great idea! – laricouto 9 years ago
  • When analyzing the French movie "Amour" it is possible to interpret it as a tale about death and love. Or, what makes us being loved or able to love. My suggestion is to focus in an experiment on writing about the movie "Amour" focusing in his title and going deep in the issue of death, life, and love, trying to ask "what is love?" in a specific moment that the movie is revealing to us. – larissacouto 9 years ago

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