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    The Let's Play Craze

    What is entertaining about watching someone else play a video game? It doesn't really compare to any other form of media, but we're still addicted to watching. What aspects of these videos make them entertaining?

    • One could look at different reasons, and then perhaps analyse further. One example might be the interactivity of games and our attraction to power and the unknown. How have games changed to become more interactive over time, and how has this impacted our ability to focus on things that aren't, such as TV shows with commercials, youtube ads, or movies in the theatre? – kathleensumpton 9 years ago
    • It would also be worth exploring the diversity among Let's Play-ers. How do their techniques vary and how does this effect their popularity? What are some doing that other aren't? What are the results of this new genre of entertainment and is it on the rise? How did it come about? What platforms do they utilize? (i.e. streaming on Twitch, YouTube, etc.) Are they being paid/sponsored? What is that like? --much of this may go towards background info for those readers unaware of this branch of entertainment. – eadewaard 9 years ago
    • This topic was covered in a rather controversial manner with Jimmy Kimmel about a month ago, and how he didn't understand it. There was lots of backlash from the gamer community, but he eventually met up with some well-known Let's Players, and discussed it civilly with them. There are also different types of Let's Play, the Twitch Plays series is rather unique in it's approach of having multiple players choose the actions for one character in a game. It's an interesting topic to be sure, and there are many different avenues to go forward with, it might be good to focus on one singular aspect of the Let's Play phenomenon by itself, whether it be for a style of Let's Play, a game that has seen lots of Let's Play videos done on it, a really well-known Let's Player, or even the history of this relatively recent fad on the internet. The possibilities are endless. – SilentProtagonist 9 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    There are so many ways the human race could be turned into “infected”. I definitely think The Last of Us took the best approach because it turned out to be a masterpiece. I’d love to see more games utilizing different types of world ending infections.

    The Last Of Us: Inspiration Behind the Infected

    I believe there will be a “video game only” art gallery some day. They don’t fit when compared to old paintings or strange looking sculptures. Games are indeed a work of art, but deserve their own location for glory.

    Games as Art: Displacement within the Art Gallery

    Sherlock’s sacrifice was still a sacrifice in my mind. Yeah he had the breathing device, but there was still risk involved with it. It would have been so easy for Sherlock to hit a rock or lose the breathing device in the water. He knew it was going to be of use, so he brought it with him. However, I don’t think he never imagined it would be have been used in that particular way.

    Sherlock Holmes: To "Kill Off", or Not to "Kill Off"