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    The Role of Gender Violence in Alan Moore's Watchman

    Gender violence and female submissiveness is at the heart of Alan Moore's Watchman. It is pivotal to the plot and is at the center of part of the overall drama. But what is the point? How does the attempted rape of Miss Jupiter matter in the overarcing "save the world" plotline and the end of Golden Age comic book innocence?

    • Even though Watchmen is a great work of writing, you bring up a good point when discussing female violence. Would the story drastically change If Miss Jupiter being sexually assaulted was removed? Probably not. It may make The Comedian more despicable as a character. However the scene where he shoots a women because she was pregnant with his baby shows how much of a scumbags he really is. So his sexually assaulting Miss Jupiter could be seen as overkill. It is certainly a interesting conversation to be had. – Aaron Hatch 9 years ago
    • This is an article that I think is worth writing. Watchmen's a great story, but that doesn't render it immune to criticism, and Sally's attempted rape is pretty superfluous to the plot. There were a lot of ways that Moore could have established hatred between Silk Spectre I and The Comedian without having to go there. – Winter 9 years ago
    • The Comedian's attempted rape of Sally is not superfluous to the story insofar as Dr. Manhattan only sees the value of human life when he realizes the "miraculous" fact that Laurie is the product of such improbable circumstances. The Comedian also impregnates a woman while fighting in Vietnam and kills her when she tries to make him take responsibility. These and other instances of abuse toward women reflect Moore's overarching interest in depicting the self-destructiveness of human nature and stripping away the loftiness of earlier comics. – JLaurenceCohen 9 years ago

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    The comic, though still in it’s early stages, I would like to see on TV is Lumberjanes.

    Comics That Deserve Their Own Show/Film

    Any villain with a magical item should be able to kill Superman though. Time travelers too. Really a good thief should be able to get the slip on him if they have a magical weapon.

    10 Superman Villains Who Don't Need Kryptonite

    Mass Effect is a rare opportunity for “good” people (gamers) to explore who they really are without being overwhelmed by fantasy evil decisions. “I choose to murder this entire plane with a single knife” scenarios need not apply. While you can still be a somewhat shady hero (Det. Bullock?), you always skate around some form of moral good. If we’re to believe that we are all essentially good people, then there really is no netter way to instill realism into a video game then to handicap our weakness for viscerally evil acts. For me, no better game had ever tested what kind of person I am.

    The Role of Choice in the Mass Effect Universe