Callum Logie

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    The Sense of Community: Multiplayer Games

    Video games seem to be one of the stronger emerging forms of media these days and that in turn has caused a sort of cultural and social shift for some. Consider Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAS) which have friend and party functions built into their games. MMOs as well have an in-built social function with things like public chatting in Runescape. It would also seem that these social aspects in video games would transcend the in-game functions and disperse into various mutual fandoms. Online communities and more for all these games are growing and becoming more prominent along with the medium. How do you think this has come to be? What does this mean for the culture surrounding video games compared to how it was before?

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      This is a fascinating article to read having never looked to far into Bollywood films. The style and structure of them is really quite incredible. This has certainly inspired me to look more into Bollywood films to get a greater grasp on the whole culture surrounding it.

      Bollywood 101: A FUN Guide to Indian Cinema

      Twitch itself is certainly an interesting forum in many respects. The commercial aspect of it is inherent but it’s inherent in any other form or media as well. The sale of a game with a personal flair is a fascinating dynamic as each streamer becomes a spokesperson for the game they play. I had a friend who was briefly part of a professional team for the MOBA Smite and he was required by the management of his company to stream, as was the rest of his team. I found it interesting how the advertising aspect becomes imperative in this professional gaming context.

      Twitch: Gamers Selling Games

      Great article, some very interesting insights here. I think with any game that has such a great number of players, multiplayer matchmaking always ends up being an issue. At this point, it seems like it should now simply be a means of minimising this impact rather than eradicating it completely. Even so, the problems in this game for such a big release are obviously going to be fixated on. Regardless, good viewpoint on an interesting game.

      For Honor? Problems in the Rhetoric of Skill in Games