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    Second Time Around: Rise of the Remake

    Explore whether modern remakes of classic films are a good idea or not. Can you ever improve upon the original, especially if the original is considered a masterpiece of its time? Discuss the pros and cons, as well as giving examples of remakes that work well and others that fail to live up to its predecessor.

    • I would also like to have some specifics as to remakes in certain genres. It seems that the fantasy fiction and super hero films have been receiving considerable attention for remakes, all based on their market dependability of course. But what about those genres that are more of a rarity for remakes? – Jonathan Judd 8 years ago
    • The problem is you pick a remake of near perfect films and they'll never live up to the original. You pick terrible movies with room for improvement and you'll never live up to the nostalgia. People are happy with the originals; just make original content inspired by those sources. I think that's really the best way forward. – AGMacdonald 8 years ago

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    While I don’t read it myself, I do agree that the world of fanfiction is an interesting one. I can see the appeal of writing stories based on worlds and characters that already exist, especially as a great way to build and test your own skills as a budding writer. As you mention, fanfiction can become published work of its own and the writers can become established authors of their own successful series.

    I think anything that gets more people reading and writing can only be a good thing.

    Also, thanks for the excerpt of ‘My Immortal’ – too funny!

    Fanficton: A Practice in the Art of Storytelling

    Great article – lots of good advice and methods to keep up motivation that I need to try out for myself. It can definitely be a struggle to keep the motivation going, but I think pinpointing the underlying cause of it is a really good idea. Thanks for introducing me to the Now Write! series, too – lots of interesting exercises for anyone looking to write that first novel!

    A Writer's Essential Steps to Staying Motivated

    A great article that I wholeheartedly agree with! I’m afraid I am guilty of waiting around for the ‘muse’ to show up and provide me with the inspiration I need to start that story I keep putting off. I think developing a writing routine is the key – it reminds me of an article I once read that likens writing to a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it will become.

    By developing a routine, you’re giving yourself the chance to not only hone your skill but potentially stumble across some interesting ideas that could be put to future use. Free-writing is a great exercise for loosening up creative ideas and one I need to use more often.

    This article once again reminds me to develop a daily writing routine and stick to it – you never know what can happen when you give yourself permission to just write and not worry about the end result!

    Creating a Writing Habit that Works: Muses, Magic and Faith