E. DeWitt

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    The Rising Popularity of 'Low Stakes' Fantasy

    Not all fantasy fiction involves epic quests and world ending conflicts. Some focus on an orc opening a coffee shop or a woman moving to a cozy town and befriending a witch. According to the scifi/fantasy publisher Tor, this subgenre came into widespread use around 2022. So much so the "cozy fantasy" tag has about 18 million views on TikTok. Cozy fantasy seems to cast a wide net including anyone from middle grade to adult.

    Analyze the sudden interest in 'low stakes' fantasy books such as Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree or Cackle by Rachel Harrison. How is the genre defined? What purpose is there to include mythical beings in a story with such little or no magic? What other pieces of media fit within the genre?

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      What a fascinating essay. I have yet to see Kubo but I’ll definitely check it out now.

      Laika and the Power of Eyes: A Soul's Quest for Self-Possession

      This is really fascinating. I worked in an elementary school library for a time and so often teachers would discourage their students from checking out graphic novels. I always thought it was a bit unfair. The amount of pictures doesn’t lessen the impact the story can have on someone.

      Comics in Education: Benefits and attitudes

      I love time-travel stories. I think it’s easy for audiences to get really tied up in how the travel works they miss the narrative purpose of the travel. These films you selected clearly have a narrative reason for the travel. More writers should consider why the time travelling is happening.

      Time Travel in Fiction

      Health anxiety can be a great source of horror. It’s interesting to see the variety of ways you can explore that as a filmmaker. I’m personally rather tired of zombies but I like examining them in this way.

      Health Anxiety in the 1960s as a Motif in Rosemary’s Baby and Night of the Living Dead