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    The Legitimacy/Illegitimacy of Paranormal/Medium Shows

    I'm curious as to what others think about some of these popular paranormal type shows that air on T.V. Some would be Ghost Hunters, Long Island Medium, Ghost Adventures, The Haunting Of…, etc. Personally, I enjoy these shows whether or not they're legitimate, mostly because of the very human aspects included. For example, the cast of Ghost Adventures are entertaining simply because of their personalities. But the questions I have are, how much is real, and does it even matter?

    • I don't think you can objectively attest to the reality of the shows' ghost-related material. That question has more to do with whether or not you believe in ghosts. I find the existence of ghosts to be highly unlikely from a scientific lens, especially if you consider the frequency with which paranormal shows track down and interact with ghosts compared to the number of confirmed and legitimate cases (zero?). But that's neither here nor there. Perhaps you can explore how paranormal shows employ ghosts and our cultural relationship with the ghost trope to gather and keep audiences. Why as human beings are we so interested in watching paranormal medium shows? The concept of ghosts has been around as long as storytelling. What is it about ghosts that captivates humans and makes for such a good narrative device? Fascinating question that could reveal quite a bit about our culture and humanity as a whole. – aetemadi 9 years ago
    • As someone pretty obsessed with "paranormal medium shows," I can attest to the idea that exploring the reasoning behind this would be pretty interesting, to say the least. As for how much is real, I think most people will probably write that question off, because nothing of substance ever really happens in them. However, the second question, "does it even matter?" is a lot more interesting and could get a lot of opposing ideas and really get a discussion going. Great question! – jghiorse 9 years ago

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    I really don’t think he’s lost his creativity in any way. I think the general audience has just moved onto mindless films, like the Paranormal Activity series. M. Night always delivers with his storylines; he’s never going to give you something usual. What I’m trying to say is, he mixes it up a lot, perhaps too much for people to follow along. They write him off as that guy with the weird name that makes weird movies, but that’s his trademark. The Village wasn’t ever a bad movie; it was just different, and that seems to be the source of his decrease in popularity.

    The Rise and Fall of M. Night Shyamalan

    Bates Motel is such a good show. The dynamic that sticks out to me (mostly because it’s constantly thrown in our faces) is that borderline incestuous relationship between Norman & Norma. Norma really does make Norman’s behavior worst, in every way possible. I find myself feeling bad for Norman because of this, murderer or not.

    From “Psycho” to “Bates Motel”: The Evolution of an Iconic Murderer

    The character parallels are especially interesting considering how different Akane was during the first season compared to the second season.

    Psycho-Pass: The Ethics of an "Ideal" Society