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    Race: C.S. Lewis' Portrayal of Narnia and Calormen

    Analyze CS Lewis' portrayal of Calormen and Narnia, focusing on the fact that the Calormenes are the only people of colour in that world. There seems to be a fair bit of racism (and seemingly some references to Islamophobia) in the way he writes the characters from Calormen.
    Since 'The Horse and His Boy' is set almost entirely in Calormen and has Narnians and Calormenes directly interacting with each other (Susan and Edmund visiting Tashbaan, Shasta's identity as a Narnian/Archenlander who grew up in Calormen, etc.), it would likely be one of the main focuses. In terms of religion/spirituality, The Last Battle has the conflict of the two 'gods' of the two countries, Tash and Aslan.

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      I think that this film was very effective in what its goal was: to make fun of Nazis and anyone who might agree with them. I think that one of the best ways to stop people from heading down the alt-right pipeline (perhaps not all the way to neo-nazism, but close) is to make fun of those beliefs. We can criticize them all we want, but we also need to laugh at them, because their beliefs are fundamentally stupid. Yes, they are harmful, and we cannot forget that, but they are also so incredibly dumb.

      Jojo Rabbit – The Nazi Comedy That Struck A Chord by Sidestepping Modern Racism

      I have always found having Death as the narrator very effective, and I think that a lot of that is because he knows what is going to happen and carries the story with an element of weariness because he cannot stop the future.

      Themes in The Book Thief

      I think the main reason that these ‘feminist’ movies don’t succeed is the one you referenced in the end there: that many film companies don’t care enough to actually write good movies with actually strong, complex, interesting female characters.
      It’s not a problem with the leads being women, but with film companies being willing to put in the effort.

      The Paradox of the Strong Female Character