Alexandra Kulik

Alexandra Kulik

Little lady with a lot of curiosity.

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The Effect of Technology on Romantic Sensibility

Romanticism was an 18th century movement that espoused imagination over rationality and the individual over the masses, but it also an existential state (i.e. a way of being) that some people continue to live in. In this way, it exists both in time and outside of time. As we plunge further and further into the grips of technology, and become ever more distant from nature and the reality of aloneness, are we losing the romantic sensibility? Are we too distracted to feel the sublime and the beautiful?

  • I do a lot of work in the romantic period and this is a question I have definitely thought about. I think that if we look at something like the movie "Her" it definitely gives one something to think about. Not only is it romantic in the common sense (genre), there are elements of romanticism and the gothic. I think this would make an awesome article – DClarke 9 years ago
  • Great topic. In some ways you can access virtual nature, yes? Who hasn't relaxed to the sounds of the bamboo flute and a babbling stream? In some ways do you think technology can help us get in touch with beautiful spaces around the world? – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • Great topic. Just as DClarke mentioned the movie "Her" I too immediately thought of said motion picture . I often feel we are currently at the brink of a great change in just about everything we know and think about the world. I am excited to see what will happen in the next few decades. – TK102 9 years ago
  • For starters, I think you need to add a little clarity to your concept of beauty (the different kinds of beauty) and explain how it correlates to romanticism. In addition, there needs to be an explanation for how seeing or ignoring nature coincides with loneliness. Another question you might want to look into answering is whether or not more technology and virtual connection makes people feel more alone due to the different reality and awareness of how vast this world actually is? Lastly, I agree with you that exploring what your ultimate conclusions say about human nature would an interesting venture. – lgonsiorek 9 years ago
  • Romanticism also addresses the role of the artist. Let me take Wordsworth as an example. He writes, “My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky”, - the rainbow is a symbol of hope, new beginning, simple and true nature; the promise given by God to the people that He will never flood the Earth again; rainbow is also symbol of imagination, something that is transcended, something majestic that holds mystery. Further poet says that his heart leaps through all stages of life – he feels same way as he young or old. Such a sensitiveness, sincere, true, and real emotions are contradict with materialism, and with reason itself – Wordsworth says “The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety”. The Great chain of beings is not just being challenged – it is being completely rejected: “Child is a father of the Man”. In addition, the Poet wants to feel the same way always, he is not being paralyzed by reason, his imagination goes in every direction – in past, in future, even in present, which is in the state of great joy, sincerity, and purity. All these themes are very romantic. Ultimately,the role of the poet focuses on the didactic nature. It is up to the individual to see the lesson and take it into the account or ignore it. Same approach may be used with any modern technologies, social media portals, and etc.: it is the individual choice either to notice "the sublime and the beautiful", or to ignore it. – kimletaon 9 years ago
  • I am not sure whether Romanticism has necessarily to do with "the sublime and the beautiful." Nowadays artists have to deal with the modern and postmodern, which are more urgent matters. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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Latest Comments

Alexandra Kulik

Okay first of all, I love this title. Fascinating how Mary in a sense uses the Frankenstein story not only as a sort of catharsis of her relationship woes, but also to comment on the Romantic movement as a whole.

The Monsters We Marry—The Weight of Percy Shelley On His Wife, Mary
Alexandra Kulik

Good stuff. I had embarrassingly never heard of “White Savior genre,” but now I’ll always be keeping an eye out for it.

Diversity Matters in Movies
Alexandra Kulik

The fact that film can reproduce an experience that we may or may not be able to verbalize (I usually cannot), while at the same time throwing us deeper into the world in which we live (as Malick does), is fascinating. Great piece.

Poeticism in Cinema